Scholarship and Welfare

Supports education through the granting of institutional scholarships and financial assistance programs to deserving students of TCGC who become value-oriented scholars committed to make positive contributions to the communities they belong and to the world.

Provide an opportunity to avail scholarships and grants to students of TCGC

Support collaborative programs that will maintain and sustain the welfare of the scholars and grantees; and

Promote scholars’ active participation in school and community activities and individuality.

Scholarship Grants and Privileges

The following are the scholarships available in TCGC:

Steps Activity Requirements Activity


Student who intends to apply for Academic Scholarship Program offered by the College must secure Application Form at the Scholarship and Welfare Office.

Entrance Scholarship for those freshmen graduated in their Secondary High School

Presidential Scholarship for College students

Present Student ID/Certificate of Registration/ Sign the Client’s Logbook

Release Academic Scholarship Form- TCGC-SWO-FM-001


Submit the documentary requirements for approval or tagging

Accomplished Academic Scholarship Form- TCGC-SWO-FM-001 With documentary requirements stipulated in the form

Check documentary requirements needed and inform the student-applicant for the deficiencies.


Keep updated on the postings or notification received thru text if application is denied or approved


Notify student-applicant if application is approved or denied


Report to OSA-Scholarship and Welfare Unit for verification of the notice received/postings of the approved scholars


Check the Approved List of Scholars and inform for the Awarding of Scholarship/Grant

Inform for any scheduled scholars’ assembly/ meeting/orientation

Steps Activity Requirements Activity


Student who intends to apply for LGU-Tangub Scholarship Program must secure Application Form at the Scholarship and Welfare Office.

Present Student ID/Certificate of Registration and Endorsement from LGU-Tangub Sign the Client’s Logbook

Release Scholarship Form-TCGC-SWO-FM-002


Submit the documentary requirements for approval or tagging

Accomplished Academic Scholarship Form- TCGC-SWO-FM-002 With documentary requirements stipulated in the form

Check documentary requirements needed and inform the student-applicant for the deficiencies.


Keep updated on the postings or notification received thru text if application is denied or approved


Notify student-applicant if application is approved or denied


Report to OSA-Scholarship and Welfare Unit for verification of the notice received/postings of the approved scholars


Check the Approved List of Scholars and inform for the Awarding of Scholarship/Grant

Inform for any scheduled scholars’ assembly/ meeting/orientation

Steps Activity Requirements Activity


Student who intends to apply for any Alfonsos Scholarship Program must secure Application Form at the Scholarship and Welfare Office or at:

Alfonsos Student Assistant (ASA) Program-Student Assistant Coordinator/GSO

Editor-In-Chief/associate editor/Editorial Staff-Student Publication Office

Mr. & Miss GADTC- Socio-Cultural Office

Founding Anniversary Scholarship-Socio-Cultural Office Performing Arts Group/Sinanduloy Cultural Troupe-Socio-Cultural Office

Elected SSB and Local Student Board/Department Officers-Student Development and Activities Office

ROTC Corps Commander-ROTC Focal Person

Present Student ID/Certificate of Registration and Endorsement from Alfonsos Scholarship Coordinator

Release Scholarship Form-

TCGC-SWO-FM-003: Student Assistant, Editorial Board, Mr and Ms TCGC, Founding Anniversary, Elected SSC and Local School Board, ROTC Focal Person

GADTC-SCO-FM-030: GADTC/Sinanduloy Cultural Troupe


Submit the documentary requirements for approval or tagging

Accomplished Academic Scholarship Form- TCGC-SWO-FM-0023 With documentary requirements stipulated in the form

Check documentary requirements needed and inform the student-applicant for the deficiencies thru the Coordinators


Keep updated on the postings or notification received thru text if application is denied or approved


Submit endorsement for approval of the Masterlist of Qualified Applicants

Post Approved Applicant or Notify student-applicant if application is approved or denied


Report to OSA-Scholarship and Welfare Unit for verification of the notice received/postings of the approved scholars


Check the Approved List of Scholars and inform for the Awarding of Scholarship/Grant

Inform for any scheduled scholars’ assembly/ meeting/orientation

Steps Activity Requirements Activity


Student who qualify to any external scholarship/grant must visit to the Scholarship and Welfare Office and submit documentary requirements:

CHED Scholars/Grantees- Notice of Award

TES Grantees

Other Grant-In Aid Agencies-Endorsement/Notice of Award

Student ID/Certificate of Registration and Notice of Award if there’s any

Evaluate the documents presented


Submit the documentary requirements for billing

Documents required as stipulated by the Granting Agencies

Check documentary requirements and inform the student-grantee for the deficiencies


Keep updated on the postings or notification received thru text if grant/billing on process is denied or approved or pending


Submit endorsement for approval of the Masterlist of Qualified Applicants

Notify student-grantee for any updates


Report to OSA-Scholarship and Welfare Unit for verification of the notice received/postings


Check the Approved List of Scholars and inform for the Awarding of Scholarship/Grant

Inform for any scheduled scholars’ assembly/ meeting/orientation

Academic Scholarship Application Form - DOWNLOAD