Our Graduates from Level 2 ALCUCOA Accredited programs proudly received their Diplomas and Transcripts of Records (TORs) on the very day of their graduation

Published: 2024-08-09                 Category: Academic Affairs |

We are overjoyed to celebrate the first-ever graduation ceremony at Tangub City Global College, where our graduates from Level 2 ALCUCOA Accredited programs proudly received their Diplomas and Transcripts of Records (TORs) on the very day of their graduation.

This incredible milestone is the crowning achievement of our dedicated College Registrar team, led by Prof. Redford M. Quiros, the Assistant College Registrar. Their tireless efforts have paved the way for a smoother, more efficient process that benefits our graduates immensely.

This groundbreaking achievement means our graduates can now apply for jobs without the hassle of requesting additional documents from the school—a true game-changer for their future endeavors.

We are also deeply grateful for the invaluable guidance of Prof. Niel C. Enerio, College Registrar, and the unwavering support of Dr. Maricelle M. Nueva, our esteemed College President. Their leadership has been instrumental in bringing this vision to life.

The success of this year's Tribute Ceremony and Commencement Exercises is a testament to the hands-on supervision of Prof. Quiros and the collective hard work of the entire TCGC faculty and staff. Together, they have created a memorable and seamless experience for our graduates.

Congratulations to all our graduates! As you step into the world, we wish you nothing but success in your job search and all your future endeavors. Here's to a bright and promising future!

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